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Organizational Behaviour - , Marilyn Farmer
The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes
How Trade Deficits Work - Kate Canino
How Commodities Trading Works - Laura La Bella
How Buying and Selling Futures Work - Susan Meyer
Frequently Asked Questions About Financial Literacy - Mary-Lane Kamberg
Travel and Tourism - Louise Spilsbury
The Connected Company - , Thomas Vander Wal
Buying a Home: The Missing Manual - Nancy Conner
The Facebook Marketing Book - , Alison Zarrella
App Savvy: Turning Ideas into iPad and iPhone Apps Customers Really Want - Ken Yarmosh
Financial Instruments to Hedge Commodity Price Risk for Developing Countries - , Yinqiu Lu
Achieving a Soft Landing: The Role of Fiscal Policy - Daniel Leigh
Exchange Rate Assessment in a Resource - Dependent Economy: The Case of Botswana - , Matthew Gaertner
Corporate Governance Reforms in the EU: Do They Matter and How? - , Iryna V. Ivaschenko
The Anatomy of Banking Crises - , Rupa Duttagupta
A Simple Stochastic Approach to Debt Sustainability Applied to Lebanon - , E. H. Gardner
A Real Model of Transitional Growth and Competitiveness in China - , Genevieve Verdier
Welfare Gains of Aid Indexation in Small Open Economies - Anubha Dhasmana
The Capital Markets of Emerging Europe: Institutions, Instruments and Investors - , Silvia Iorgova
Reserve Requirements, the Maturity Structure of Debt, and Bank Runs - Eza Ghassan Al-Zein
Estimating Equilibrium Exchange Rates for Armenia and Georgia - , Shuang Ding
International Spillover of Labor Market Reforms - Mai Dao
Impact of Government Expenditure on Growth: The Case of Azerbaijan - , V. Kramarenko
Central Bank Independence and Transparency: Evolution and Effectiveness - , Ellen E. Meade
Mexico's Integration into NAFTA Markets: A View from Sectoral Real Exchange Rates and Transaction Costs - , Luciana Juvenal
Tax and Pension Reform in the Czech Republic-Implications for Growth and Debt Sustainability - , Dennis P. J. Botman
Chile: Trade Performance,Trade Liberalization, and Competitiveness - Brieuc Monfort
Why Do Countries Peg the Way They Peg?The Determinants of Anchor Currency Choice - , Christopher M. Meissner
Government Spending on Health Care and Education in Croatia: Efficiency and Reform Options - , Victoria Gunnarsson
Much Ado About Nothing? Estimating the Impact of a U.S. Slowdown on Thai Growth - , Ivan Tchakarov
Sudden Stops and Optimal Self-Insurance - Jun Il Kim
Trade Openness and Volatility - , Julian, di Giovanni
How does a domestic tax reform effect protection against imports? The case of the Republic of Madagascar - Jean-Jacques Hallaert
Bolivia: The Hydrocarbons Boom and the Risk of Dutch Disease - , Eugenio Cerutti
Dollarization and Maturity Structure of Public Securities: The Experience of Bolivia - , Walter, Orellana R.
Resolving a Large Contingent Fiscal Liability: Eastern Europe Experience - Mark J Flanagan
Vacation Over: Implications for the Caribbean of Opening U.S.-Cuba Tourism - Rafael Romeu
Strategic Interactions between an Independent Central Bank and a Myopic Government with Government Debt - , David Vines
The Information Content of Money in Forecasting Euro Area Inflation - , Emil Stavrev
Credit Matters: Empirical Evidence on U.S. Macro-Financial Linkages - , Tamim Bayoumi
Africa's Oil Abundance and External Competitiveness: Do Institutions Matter? - Mahvash Saeed Qureshi
A Framework for Developing Secondary Markets for Government Securities - , Geoffrey Heenan
Central Bank Financial Strength and Policy Performance: An Econometric Evaluation - , Peter Stella
Germany's Corporate Governance Reforms: Has the System Become Flexible Enough? - Jergen Odenius
Convergence in Emerging Europe: Sustainability and Vulnerabilities - Athanasios Vamvakidis
Kernel Density Estimation Based on Grouped Data: The Case of Poverty Assessment - , Sanjay Reddy
Real Effects of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Is it a Demand or a Finance Shock? - , Shang-Jin Wei
Innovation in Banking and Excessive Loan Growth - , Daniel C. L. Hardy
Quality of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision Around the World - , Martin Cihak
The option-iPoD. The Probability of Default Implied by Option Prices based on Entropy - Christian Capuano
The Impact of Oil-Related Income on the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Syria - , Jemma Dridi
What Drives Household Borrowing and Credit Constraints? Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina - , Ke Chen, Chen
Stress Testing at the IMF - , Marina Moretti
Global Volatility and Forex Returns in East Asia - Sanjay Kalra
Central Bank Response to the 2007-08 Financial Market Turbulence: Experiences and Lessons Drawn - , Ulrich H. Klueh
New Keynesian Exchange Rate Pass-Through - , Woon Gyu Choi
Banking Structure and Credit Growth in Central and Eastern European Countries - Burcu Aydin
Public Financial Management and Fiscal Outcomes in sub-Saharan African Heavily-Indebted Poor Countries - , Tej Prakash
Are Weak Banks Leading Credit Booms? Evidence from Emerging Europe - , Natalia T. Tamirisa
Commodities and the Market Price of Risk - Shaun K. Roache
Systemic Banking Crises: A New Database - , Fabian Valencia
An Anatomy of Credit Booms: Evidence From Macro Aggregates and Micro Data - , Enrique G. Mendoza
Determinants of Government Efficiency - , Annette Kyobe
Garbage In, Gospel Out? Controlling for the Underreporting of Remittances - , Tigran A. Melkonyan
Bank Losses, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability-Evidence on the Interplay from Panel Data - , Lea Zicchino
Growing Apart? A Tale of Two Republics: Estonia and Georgia - , Porvaldur Gylfason
The Spending and Absorption of Aid in PRGF Supported Programs - , Markus Berndt
Latin America: Highlights from the Implementation of the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) - , Lisbeth Rivas
Does Openness to International Financial Flows Raise Productivity Growth? - , Eswar Prasad
Do Interest Groups Affect U.S. Immigration Policy? - , Anna Maria Mayda
Globalization Drives Strategic Product Switching - , Veerle Slootmaekers
Banks' Precautionary Capital and Credit Crunches - Fabian Valencia
The Use of Blanket Guarantees in Banking Crises - , Fabian Valencia
Fiscal Policy and Economic Cycles in Oil-Exporting Countries - , Anna Ter-Martirosyan
StressTesting Household Debt in Korea - Meral Karasulu
Tax Concessions and Foreign Direct Investmentin the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union - , Jingqing Chai
Is it (Still) Mostly Fiscal? Determinants of Sovereign Spreads in Emerging Markets - , Emanuele Baldacci
Strategic Considerations for First-Time Sovereign Bond Issuers - , Udaibir S. Das
What is Really Good for Long-Term Growth? Lessons from a Binary ClassificationTree (BCT) Approach - , Rupa Duttagupta
A New Database of Financial Reforms - , Thierry Tressel
Inflation Determinants in Paraguay: Cost Push versus Demand Pull Factors - , Santiago Pena
Recent French Export Performance: Is There a Competitiveness Problem? - , Francisco, Nadal-De Simone
Banking Stability Measures - , C. A. E. Goodhart
Regional Financial Interlinkages and Financial Contagion Within Europe - , Zsofia Arvai
Distress in European Banks: An Analysis Based on a New Dataset - , Tigran Poghosyan
How Can Burundi Raise Its Growth Rate?The Impact of Civil Conflicts and State Intervention on Burundi's Growth Performance - Olivier Basdevant
Why Do Central Banks Go Weak? - , Alain Ize
The Determinants of Commercial Bank Profitability in Sub-Saharan Africa - , Calvin A. McDonald
On Impatience and Policy Effectiveness - , Tamim Bayoumi
Capital Inflows and the Real Exchange Rate: Can Financial Development Cure the Dutch Disease? - Christian Saborowski
Monetary and Fiscal Rules in an Emerging Small Open Economy - , Paul Levine
Can Markets Compute Equilibria? - Hunter K., Monroe
An Investigation of Some Macro-Financial Linkages of Securitization - , Andreas Jobst
The Cost of Aggressive Sovereign Debt Policies: How Much is thePrivate Sector Affected? - Christoph Trebesch
In Search of WTO Trade Effects:Preferential Trade Agreements Promote Trade Strongly, But Unevenly - , Christian Henn
The Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off at Low Inflation - , Luca Antonio Ricci
The Macroeconomic Impact of Scaled-up Aid: The Case of Niger - , Abdikarim Farah
Can the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union Afford to Grow Old? - Hunter K., Monroe
Capital Inflows: Macroeconomic Implications and Policy Responses - , Selim Elekdag
Deleveraging After Lehman--Evidence from Reduced Rehypothecation - , Manmohan Singh
Competition in the Financial Sector: Overview of Competition Policies - Stijn Claessens
The Italian Labor Market: Recent Trends, Institutions, and Reform Options - Martin Schindler
In Search of a Dramatic Equilibrium: Was the Armenian Dram Overvalued? - , Gohar Minasyan
Forces Driving Inflation in the New EU10 Members - Emil Stavrev
Foreign Banks in the CESE Countries: In for a Penny, in for a Pound? - , Li L. Ong
Social Security Reforms in Colombia: Striking Demographic and Fiscal Balances - Sergio Clavijo
Targeting Social Transfers to the Poor in Mexico - , Susan Parker
The Use (and Abuse) of CDS Spreads During Distress - , Manmohan Singh
Global Imbalances: The Role of Emerging Asia - , Massimiliano Pisani
A New Keynesian Model of the Armenian Economy - , Ashot Anatolii Mkrtchyan
Five Years After: European Union Membership and Macro-Financial Stability in the New Member States - , Wim Fonteyne
Financial Stability Frameworks and the Role of Central Banks: Lessons from the Crisis - Erlend Nier
The Missing Link Between Financial Constraints and Productivity - , Veerle Slootmaekers
Limited Information Bayesian Model Averaging for Dynamic Panels with Short Time Periods - , Alin Mirestean
Optimal Reserves in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union - , Mario Dehesa
Exposure to Real Estate Losses: Evidence from the US Banks - , Marcelo Pinheiro
Exchange Rate Assessment for Oil Exporters - Klaus-Stefan Enders
Hold Your Nose and Vote: Why Do Some Democracies Tolerate Corruption? - Marco Pani
Adding Latin America to the Global Projection Model - , Marianne Johnson
Chile's Structural Fiscal Surplus Rule: A Model-Based Evaluation - , Douglas Laxton
Inflation Hedging for Long-Term Investors - , Alexander P. Attie
The Size of Government and U.S.-European Differences in Economic Performance - , Gerwin Bell
Inflation Targeting Under Imperfect Policy Credibility - , Ondra Kamenik
Advanced public financial management reforms in South East Europe - , E. Tandberg
Financial Spillovers to Emerging Markets during the Global Financial Crisis - , Nathaniel Frank
Madagascar: A Competitiveness and Exchange Rate Assessment - Luc Eyraud
Estimating Default Frequencies and Macrofinancial Linkages in the Mexican Banking Sector - , Marcos Souto
Financial Deepening in the CFA Franc Zone:The Role of Institutions - , Dhaneshwar Ghura
Out of the Box Thoughts about the International Financial Architecture - Barry J. Eichengreen
Development Aid and Economic Growth: A Positive Long-Run Relation - , Sanjay Reddy
Where Does the Public Sector End and the Private Sector Begin? - Ian Lienert
Fiscal Incentive Effects of the German Equalization System - , Annalisa Fedelino
Fiscal Policy Rules for Oil-Producing Countries: A Welfare-Based Assessment - Wojciech Maliszewski
External Debt Sustainability in HIPC Completion Point Countries: An Update - , Dan Nyberg
Canadian Residential Mortgage Markets: Boring But Effective? - John Kiff
Forecasting Inflation in Sudan - , Abdul Naseer
Balance of Payments Anti-Crises - , Isabel K. Yan
Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Tax Incentives - , Stefan van Parys
International Risk Sharing: Through Equity Diversification or Exchange Rate Hedging? - , Akito Matsumoto
The Effects of Economic News on Commodity Prices: Is Gold Just Another Commodity? - , Marco Rossi
Will they Sing the Same Tune? Measuring Convergence in the new European System of Financial Supervisors - , Marc Quintyn
Macroeconomic Fundamentals, Price Discovery and Volatility Dynamics in Emerging Markets - , Andreas Jobst
Requirements for Using Interest Rates as an Operating Target for Monetary Policy:The Case of Tunisia - , Alain Durre
How the Financial Crisis Affects Pensions and Insurance and Why the Impacts Matter - , Ian Tower
The Quality of Public Investment - , Era Dabla-Norris
Revenue Mobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges from Globalization - , Michael Keen
Macroeconomic Fluctuations in the Caribbean: the Role of Climatic and External Shocks - , Paul Cashin
Country Experiences with the Introduction and Implementation of Inflation Targeting - , Charles Freedman
Panacea, Curse, or Nonevent? Unconventional Monetary Policy in the United Kingdom - Andre Meier
An Assessment of External Price Competitiveness for Mozambique - Francis Vitek
Employment Effects of Growth Rebalancing in China - , Papa NDiaye
Interest Rate Liberalization in China - , Elod Takats
Fiscal Vulnerability and Sustainability in Oil-Producing Sub-Saharan African Countries - , Zaijin Zhan
Incorporating Market Information into the Construction of the Fan Chart - , Prakash Kannan
Putting the Parts Together: Trade, Vertical Linkages, and Business Cycle Comovement - , Julian, di Giovanni
International Evidence on Recovery from Recessions - , Valerie Cerra
Euro Area Monetary Policy in Uncharted Waters - , Martin Cihak
How Good Are Ex Ante Program Evaluation Techniques? The Case of School Enrollment in PROGRESA - Fabian Bornhorst
Monetary Policy and the Central Bank in Jordan - Samar Maziad
Frugality: Are We Fretting Too Much? Household Saving and Assets in the United States - , Evan Tanner
French Banks Amid the Global Financial Crisis - Yingbin Xiao
The Drivers of Housing Cycles in Spain - , Oriol Aspachs-Bracons
The Effectiveness of Central Bank Interventions During the First Phase of the Subprime Crisis - , Nathaniel Frank
Controlling Capital? Legal Restrictions and the Asset Composition of International Financial Flows - , Mahir Binici
What Determines Bond Market Development in sub-Saharan Africa? - , Bozena Radzewicz-Bak
Do Trading Partners Still Matter for Nigeria's Growth? A Contribution to the Debate on Decoupling and Spillovers - Kingsley I. Obiora
Oil Prices and Bank Profitability: Evidence from Major Oil-Exporting Countries in the Middle East and North Africa - , Tigran Poghosyan
New Zealand Bank Vulnerabilities in International Perspective - , Rodrigo Cubero
Global Market Conditions and Systemic Risk - , Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo
Monetary Policy and the Lost Decade: Lessons from Japan - Daniel Leigh
Is the Canadian Housing Market Overvalued? A Post-Crisis Assessment - Evridiki Tsounta
Fiscal Deficits and Current Account Deficits - , Douglas Laxton
Treating Intangible Inputs as Investment Goods: the Impact on Canadian GDP - Nazim Belhocine
A Rule-Based Medium-Term Fiscal Policy Framework for Tanzania - , Daehaeng Kim
Financial Sector Surveillance and the IMF - , Francesco Spadafora
The Stock of Intangible Capital in Canada: Evidence from the Aggregate Value of Securities - Nazim Belhocine
Macroeconomic Patterns and Monetary Policy in the Run-up to Asset Price Busts - , Prakash Kannan
Countercyclical Macro Prudential Policies in a Supporting Role to Monetary Policy - Papa M'B. P. N'Diaye
Inflation Targeting Pillars: Transparency and Accountability - , Douglas Laxton
Emerging Economy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-09: An Empirical Analysis of the Liquidity Easing Measures - Etienne B. Yehoue
Being a Foreigner Among Domestic Banks: Asset or Liability? - , Neeltje, van Horen
Accounting for Global Dispersion of Current Accounts - , Sun-Bin Kim
The General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)-A Reflection on its First 12 Years and Plans for Taking it Forward - , Robin D. Kibuka
The Global Financial Crisis: Explaining Cross-Country Differences in the Output Impact - , Robert Rennhack
"Lost Decade" in Translation:What Japan's Crisis could Portend about Recovery from the Great Recession - , Kiichi Tokuoka
Growth and Structural Reforms: A New Assessment - , Martin Schindler
Finance & Development, March 2010 - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, September 2010 - Simon Willson
Finance & Development
Finanzas y Desarrollo
Emerging Financial Centers Legal and institutional Framework - International Monetary Fund
IMF History (1972-1978) Volume 3 - International Monetary Fund
Czech Republic: Selected Issues Paper - , Ann-Margret Westin
A Guide to Direction of Trade Statistics - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, June 2011 - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, December 2011 - Internation International Monetary Fund
IMF Research Bulletin, June 2008
Finances et Developpement
Finances et Developpement
Inflation in Tajikistan: Forecasting Analysis and Monetary Policy Challenges - , Svetlana Vtyurina
Dissecting Taylor Rules in a Structural VAR - , Woon Gyu Choi
Fiscal Policy in Oil Producing Countries During the Recent Oil Price Cycle - , Mauricio Villafuerte
Constraints on Growth in the MENA Region - , Rina Bhattacharya
Optimal Monetary Policy with Overlapping Generations of Policymakers - Maral Shamloo
Spillovers to Central America in Light of the Crisis: What a Difference a Year Makes - Andrew Swiston
Growth and Capital Flows with Risky Entrepreneurship - Damiano Sandri
Asset Booms and Structural Fiscal Positions: The Case of Ireland - Daniel Kanda
Belgium: 2009 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion
Hungary: Fifth Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement, and Request for Modification of Performance Criterion
Financial Liberalization, Structural Change, and Real Exchange Rate Appreciations - , Felipe Meza
The Short-Run Macroeconomics of Aid Inflows: Understanding the Interaction of Fiscal and Reserve Policy - , Rafael Portillo
Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Firm-Level Data - , Marc Schiffbauer
Asset Securitization and Optimal Retention - , Michael Kisser
Spillovers of Domestic Shocks: Will They Counteract the "Great Moderation"? - , Alina Carare
Budget Institutions and Fiscal Performance in Low-Income Countries - , Richard Allen
Republic of Congo: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Annual Progress Report - International Monetary Fund
The GCC Banking Sector: Topography and Analysis - , Nada Oulidi
Credit Conditions and Recoveries from Recessions Associated with Financial Crises - Prakash Kannan
Basel Core Principles and Bank Risk: Does Compliance Matter? - , Asli Demirguc-Kunt
Bank Efficiency Amid Foreign Entry: Evidence from the Central American Region - Torsten Wezel
Regulatory Capital Charges for Too-Connected-to-Fail Institutions: A Practical Proposal - Jorge A. Chan-Lau
Quantitative Properties of Sovereign Default Models: Solution Methods Matter - , Juan Carlos Hatchondo
Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit, and to Create Community - Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Directory of Business Talk Radio Shows - Francine Silverman
FX Insider: Investment Bank Chief Foreign Exchange Trader With more than 20 years' experience as a Marketmaker - brad gilbert
The Global Credit Crunch and Foreign Banks' Lending to Emerging Markets: Why Did Latin America Fare Better? - , Kulwant Rai
The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on the Chilean Banking System - Jorge A. Chan-Lau
Oil Windfalls in Ghana: A DSGE Approach - , Jihad Dagher
ASEAN: A Chronicle of Shifting Trade Exposure and Regional Integration - Sanjay Kalra
Recoveries in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: Have Macroeconomic Policies Been Effective? - , Dalia Hakura
Dynamic Loan Loss Provisions in Uruguay: Properties, Shock Absorption Capacity and Simulations Using Alternative Formulas - Torsten Wezel
The Potential Contribution of Fiscal Policy to Rebalancing and Growth in New Zealand - Werner Schule
FDI Flows to Low-Income Countries: Global Drivers and Growth Implications - , Genevieve Verdier
On the Optimal Adherence to Money Targets in a New-Keynesian Framework: An Application to Low-Income Countries - , Rafael Portillo
Banking Efficiency and Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - Sandrine Kablan
Current Account Imbalances in the Southern Euro Area - , Florence Jaumotte
Fire Sales and the Financial Accelerator - , Woon Gyu Choi
Inflation Dynamics in Yemen: An Empirical Analysis - Abdullah Almounsor
Balance Sheet Vulnerabilities of Mauritius During a Decade of Shocks - , Rainer Koehler
The Fundamental Determinants of Credit Default Risk for European Large Complex Financial Institutions - , Jiri Podpiera
Automatic Stabilizers and the Size of Government: Correcting a Common Misunderstanding - , Annalisa Fedelino
The Macroeconomics of Medium-Term Aid Scaling-Up Scenarios - , Rafael Portillo
Financial Innovation, the Discovery of Risk, and the U.S. Credit Crisis - , Enrique G. Mendoza
How Do International Financial Flows to Developing Countries Respond to Natural Disasters? - Antonio David
The Dark Side of Bank Wholesale Funding - , Rocco Huang
The (sizable) Role of Rehypothecation in the Shadow Banking System - , Manmohan Singh
Public Capital and Growth - , Serkan Arslanalp
Some Uncomfortable Arithmetic Regarding Europe's Public Finances - Delia Velculescu
Resource Windfalls and Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads: The Role of Political Institutions - , Markus Bruckner
Fox-Hunting In The Shires - T. F. Dale,
How Currency Devaluation Works - Barbara Gottfried Hollander
How the Gold Standard Works - Peter Ryan
How Imports and Exports Work - Corona Brezina
America's Recession - Corona Brezina
Earth-Friendly Shopping - Gillian Gosman
The Oil Industry - , Louise Spilsbury
Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster - , Benjamin Yoskovitz
Personal Investing: The Missing Manual - , Amy E. Buttell
The Myths of Innovation - Scott Berkun
Moving to Territoriality? Implications for the United States and the Rest of the World - Peter J. Mullins
What Makes Growth Sustained? - , Jeromin Zettelmeyer
Japan's Corporate Income Tax - Overview and Challenges - Thomas Dalsgaard
Price Dynamics in the Eastern Caribbean - , Rupa Duttagupta
Current Account Developments in New Member States of the European Union: Equilibrium, Excess, and EU-Phoria - Jesmin Rahman
Real and Financial Sector Linkages in China and India - Jahangir Aziz
Global Aging and Declining World Interest Rates: Macroeconomic Insurance Through Pension Reform in Cyprus - , Jaime Guajardo
External Shocks and Business Cycle Fluctuations in Mexico: How Important are U.S. Factors? - Sebastian Sosa
Measuring the Informal Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean - Guillermo Javier Vuletin
Housing Finance and Mortgage-Backed Securities in Mexico - , L. Zanforlin
Is There a Novelty Premium on New Financial Instruments? The Argentine Experience with GDP-Indexed Warrants - , Alejo Costa
Fiscal Coverage in the Countries of the Middle East and Central Asia: Current Situation and a Way Forward - Daria Zakharova
Do IMF Programs Improve Economic Governance? - Jiro Honda
The Choice of Monetary and Exchange Rate Arrangements for a Small, Open, Low-Income Economy: The Case of Sao Tome and Principe - , Misa Takebe
Government Size and Output Volatility: Should We Forsake Automatic Stabilization? - , Jean Pisani-Ferry
Trends in Italy's Nonprice Competitiveness - Bogdan Lissovolik
Financial Integration and Risk-Adjusted Growth Opportunities - , Iryna V. Ivaschenko
Challenges to Monetary Policy from Financial Globalization: The Case of India - , Charles Frederick Kramer
Crude Oil Prices: Trends and Forecast - Noureddine Krichene
Tanzania's Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate - Niko Hobdari
Herd Behavior in Financial Markets: An Experiment with Financial Market Professionals - , Marco Cipriani
Why are Saving Rates of Urban Households in China Rising? - , Eswar Prasad
Stressing to Breaking Point: Interpreting Stress Test Results - DeLisle Worrell
A Model of Sovereign Debt in Democracies - Ali Alichi
Modeling Macro-Critical Energy Sectors in Low-Income Countries: A General Framework and an Application to Cote d'Ivoire - Holger Fabig
Life Expectancy and Income Convergence in the World:A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis - Kenichi Ueda
A U.S. Financial Conditions Index: Putting Credit Where Credit is Due - Andrew Swiston
Medium-Term Budgetary Frameworks - Lessons for Austria from International Experience - Erik J. Lundbeck
Reforming Government Subsidies in the New Member States of the European Union - , Alex Segura-Ubiergo
The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy in Honduras - , Irene Yackovlev
The ECB's Monetary Analysis Revisited - , Emil Stavrev
Determinants of Foreign Currency Borrowing in the New Member States of the EU - , Christoph B. Rosenberg
Inflation Smoothing and the Modest Effect of VAT in Germany - , Stephan Danninger
The Impact of Research and Development Tax Incentives on Colombia's Manufacturing Sector: What Difference Do They Make? - Valerie Mercer-Blackman
Bank Recycling of Petro Dollars to Emerging Market Economies During the Current Oil Price Boom - Johannes Wiegand
Technology and Finance - , Roberto M. Samaniego
Rising Income Inequality: Technology, or Trade and Financial Globalization? - , Subir Lall
What Goes Up Must Come Down? House Price Dynamics in the United States - Vladimir Klyuev
Investigating Inflation Dynamics in Sudan - Kenji Moriyama
Are Emerging Asia's Reserves Really Too High? - , Milan Zavadjil
Pension Privatization and Country Risk - , Davide Lombardo
Macroeconomic Effects of Pension Reform in Russia - David Hauner
Impact of Macroeconomic, Political, and Institutional Factors on the Structure of Government Debt in Emerging Market Countries - Anastasia Guscina
Investment Incentives and Effective Tax Rates in the Philippines:A Comparison With Neighboring Countries - , Dennis P. J. Botman
Original Sin and Procylical Fiscal Policy: Two Sides of the Same Coin? - Gustavo Adler
Mauritius: A Competitiveness Assessment - , Camelia Minoiu
The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank: Challenges to an Effective Lender of Last Resort - , Mario Dehesa
Trade Elasticities in the Middle East and Central Asia: What is the Role of Oil? - , Dalia Hakura
The Impact of Public Capital, Human Capital, and Knowledge on Aggregate Output - , Frederick L. Joutz
An Analysis of So-Called Export-led Growth - Jie Yang
Macroeconomic Effects of EU Transfers in New Member States - , Nada Choueiri
Current and Proposed Non-Oil Tax System in Azerbaijan - Mayra Rebecca, Zermeno Livas
Tax Reforms, "Free Lunches", and "Cheap Lunches" in Open Economies - , Juha Tervala
Banks and Labor as Stakeholders: Impact on Economic Performance - , Kenichi Ueda
Beyond Macroeconomic Stability: The Quest for Industrialization in Uganda - Abebe Aemro Selassie
Rapid Current Account Adjustments: Are Microstates Different? - Patrick A. Imam
A Theory of International Crisis Lending and IMF Conditionality - , Jonathan David Ostry
The Costs of Sovereign Default - , Eduardo Borensztein
Household Income As A Determinant of Child Labor and School Enrollment in Brazil: Evidence From A Social Security Reform - Irineu E., Carvalho Filho
Wage-Price Setting in New EU Member States - Manuela Goretti
Contingent Liabilities: Issues and Practice - Aliona Cebotari
Interest Rate Elasticity of Residential Housing Prices - , Plamen Iossifov
Trade Effects of Currency Unions: Do Economic Dissimilarities Matter? - Giorgia Albertin
Writing Clearly: ECB's Monetary Policy Communication - , Katerina Smadkova
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Current Institutional and Operational Practices - , Iva Petrova
Creating Sustainable Fiscal Space for Infrastructure: The Case of Tanzania - , Alejandro Hajdenberg
Counterparty Risk in the Over-The-Counter Derivatives Market - , Manmohan Singh
Fundamentals at Odds? The U.S. Current Account Deficit and The Dollar - Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti
The Tasks Ahead - Olivier J. Blanchard
Do Financial Sector Reforms Lead to Financial Development? Evidence from a New Dataset - , Enrica Detragiache
One-Size-Fits-One: Tailor-Made Fiscal Responses to Capital Flows - Daria Zakharova
Explaining Episodes of Growth Accelerations, Decelerations, and Collapses in Western Africa - , Patrick A. Imam
Yen Bloc or Yuan Bloc: An Analysis of Currency Arrangements in East Asia - Kazuko Shirono
A European Mandate for Financial Sector Supervisors in the EU - Daniel C. L. Hardy
The Role for Counter-Cyclical Fiscal Policy in Singapore - Leif Lybecker Eskesen
Benford's Law and Macroeconomic Data Quality - , Gonzalo C. Pastor
The International Diversification Puzzle when Goods Prices are Sticky: It's Really about Exchange-Rate Hedging, not Equity Portfolios - , Akito Matsumoto
Bank Efficiency in Sub-Saharan African Middle Income Countries - Chuling Chen
Does Global Liquidity Matter for Monetary Policy in the Euro Area? - , Thomas Harjes
An Index Number Formula Problem: The Aggregation of Broadly Comparable Items - Mick Silver
Causes, Benefits, and Risks of Business Tax Incentives - Alexander Klemm
Regional Financial Spillovers Across Europe:A Global VAR Analysis - , Alessandro Galesi
Why Isn't South Africa Growing Faster? A Comparative Approach - Luc Eyraud
Current Account Determinants for Oil-Exporting Countries - Hanan Morsy
Are Capital Controls Effective in the 21st Century? The Recent Experience of Colombia - , Benedict J. Clements
Current Account and Precautionary Savings for Exporters of Exhaustible Resources - , Rudolfs Bems
The Volatility Costs of Procyclical Lending Standards:An Assessment Using a DSGE Model - , Bertrand Gruss
Dedollarization in Liberia-Lessons from Cross-country Experience - , Jules Leichter
Procyclicality and Fair Value Accounting - , Alicia Novoa
Commodity Price Volatility, Cyclical Fluctuations, and Convergence: What is Ahead for Inflation in Emerging Europe? - Edda Zoli
Exchange Rates and Wages in an Integrated World - , Antonio Spilimbergo
Sovereign Default, Private Sector Creditors and the IFIs - Emine Boz
International Currency Portfolios - Michael Kumhof
Fiscal and Monetary Policy During Downturns: Evidence from the G7 - , Sven Jari Stehn
Credit Market in Morocco: A Disequilibrium Approach - , Laurence Allain
Irrational Exuberance in the U.S. Housing Market: Were Evangelicals Left Behind? - Christopher W. Crowe
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Options for Dealing with External Shocks: Insights from the GIMF for Colombia - , Enrique Flores
Universal Health Care 101: Lessons for the Eastern Caribbean and Beyond - Evridiki Tsounta
Global Imbalances: The Role of Non-TradableTotal Factor Productivity in Advanced Economies - , Pietro Cova
Developing a Structured Forecasting and Policy Analysis System to Support Inflation-Forecast Targeting (IFT) - , David Rose
Accounting for Output Drops in Latin America - Ruy Lama
From Subprime Loans to Subprime Growth? Evidence for the Euro Area - , Petya, Koeva Brooks
ECCU Business Cycles: Impact of the U.S. - , Yan Sun
A Coincident Indicator of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Business Cycle - Abdullah Al-Hassan
Grants, Remittances, and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Sub-Saharan African Countries - , Joannes Mongardini
Assessing Exchange Rate Competitiveness in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union - , Paul Cashin
The Crisis: Basic Mechanisms and Appropriate Policies - Olivier J. Blanchard
Determinants of Inflation in GCC - , Magda E. Kandil
Accrual Budgeting and Fiscal Policy - Marc Robinson
Why Inflation Targeting? - , Douglas Laxton
Global Imbalances and Petrodollars - , Fuad Hasanov
Remittances: An Automatic Output Stabilizer? - , Dalia Hakura
Global Relative Poverty - Lynge Nielsen
What Should Inflation Targeting Countries Do When Oil Prices Rise and Drop Fast? - , Eugen Tereanu
The Persistence of Capital Account Crises - , Ruben Atoyan
Fiscal Stimulus with Spending Reversals - , Andre Meier
From Bear Stearns to Anglo Irish: How Eurozone Sovereign Spreads Related to Financial Sector Vulnerability - Ashoka Mody
Credit Risk Spreads in Local and Foreign Currencies - , Zvi Wiener
The Macroeconomics of Scaling Up Aid: The Gleneagles Initiative for Benin - , Joannes Mongardini
Macroeconomic Responses to Terms-of-Trade Shocks: A Framework for Policy Analysis for the Argentine Economy - Pelin Berkmen
Competitiveness in Central-Europe: What Has Happened Since EU Accession? - Celine Allard
Modeling with Macro-Financial Linkages: Credit and Policy Shocks in Emerging Markets - , Jaromir Benes
Decoupling from the East Toward the West? Analyses of Spillovers to the Baltic Countries - Kingsley I. Obiora
Current Accounts in a Currency Union - , Jorg Decressin
The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets - Amadou N. R. Sy
Broad Money Demand and Asset Substitution in China - Ge Wu
The Transmission of Financial Stress from Advanced to Emerging Economies - , Selim Elekdag
Governance Practices at Financial Regulatory and Supervisory Agencies - , Steven A. Seelig
Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy with Limited Asset Market Participation - Sven Jari Stehn
Regional Financial Integration in the Caribbean: Evidence from Financial and Macroeconomic Data - , Goohoon Kwon
Banking Crises and Crisis Dating: Theory and Evidence - , John H. Boyd
Introducing the Euro as Legal Tender - Benefits and Costs of Eurorization for Cape Verde - Patrick A. Imam
In Search of Successful Inflation Targeting: Evidence from an Inflation Targeting Index - Yanliang Miao
Development of the Commercial Banking System in Afghanistan: Risks and Rewards - , Joshua Charap
Why Are Canadian Banks More Resilient? - , Rocco Huang
Spillovers from the Rest of the World into Sub-Saharan African Countries - , Paulo Flavio Nacif Drummond
Fiscal Cycles in the Caribbean - Juliana Dutra Araujo
How Effective is Fiscal Policy Response in Systemic Banking Crises? - , Emanuele Baldacci
Recent Advances in Credit Risk Modeling - , Carlos I. Medeiros
The Composition Matters: Capital Inflows and Liquidity Crunch during a Global Economic Crisis - , Shang-Jin Wei
Measures of Underlying Inflation in Sri Lanka - , Souvik Gupta
Does Good Financial Performance Mean Good Financial Intermediation in China? - Tarhan Feyzioglu
Counterparty Risk, Impact on Collateral Flows and Role for Central Counterparties - , Manmohan Singh
Tourism Specialization and Economic Development : Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List - , Reda Cherif
Setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund: Some Policy and Operational Considerations - , Udaibir S. Das
Understanding the Growth of African Financial Markets - , Mihasonirina Andrianaivo
Establishing Conversion Values for New Currency Unions: Method and Application to the planned Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Currency Union - , Jean-Etienne Carlotti
One Money, One Market - A Revised Benchmark - , Christian Henn
Search in the Labor Market Under Imperfectly Insurable Income Risk - Mauro Roca
Political Risk Aversion - Laura Valderrama
Modernizing Bank Regulation in Support of Financial Deepening: The Case of Uruguay - , Gustavo Adler
Benchmark Priors Revisited: On Adaptive Shrinkage and the Supermodel Effect in Bayesian Model Averaging - , Martin Feldkircher
Commodity Terms of Trade: The History of Booms and Busts - , Nikola Spatafora
Accounting Discretion of Banks During a Financial Crisis - , Harry Huizinga
International Risk Sharing During the Globalization Era - , Robert P. Flood
Determinants and Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa - , Markus Haacker
The Uncertainty Channel of Contagion - , Fritzi Kohler-Geib
Euro Area Sovereign Risk During the Crisis - , Edda Zoli
Macro-Hedging for Commodity Exporters - , Eduardo Borensztein
Three Cycles: Housing, Credit, and Real Activity - , Deniz Igan
Excessive Lending, Leverage, and Risk-Taking in the Presence of Bailout Expectations - Andreas Georgiou
Inflation Targeting at 20: Achievements and Challenges - Scott Roger
Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting in the World Economy: A Panel Unobserved Components Approach - Francis Vitek
Valuation of Unlisted Direct Investment Equity - , Jannick Damgaard
Governance and Fund Management in the Chinese Pension System - , Yu-Wei Hu
Today versus Tomorrow: The Sensitivity of the Non-Oil Current Account Balance to Permanent and Current Income - , Alun H. Thomas
Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Rules in a Model with House Price Booms - , Prakash Kannan
Macroeconomic Implications for Hong Kong SAR of Accommodative U.S. Monetary Policy - Papa M'B. P. N'Diaye
Systemic Liquidity Management in the U.A.E.: Issues and Options - , Dalia Hakura
Estimating Demand for IMF Financing by Low-Income Countries in Response to Shocks - Yasemin Bal-Gunduz
The Hedonic Country Product Dummy Method and Quality Adjustments for Purchasing Power Parity Calculations - Mick Silver
The Valuation Channel of External Adjustment - , Jaewoo Lee
How Russia Affects the Neighborhood: Trade, Financial, and Remittance Channels - , Fahad Alturki
Elasticity Optimism - , Isabelle Mejean
Exchange Rate Assessments: Methodologies for Oil Exporting Countries - , Rudolfs Bems
Trade and Thy Neighbor's War - Mahvash Saeed Qureshi
A Fistful of Dollars: Lobbying and the Financial Crisis - , Prachi Mishra
Finance & Development, June 2010 - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, December 2010 - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finanzas y Desarrollo
Finance & Development
The Gambia - Sixth Review Under the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Extension and Augmentation of the Arrangement, and
Improving Surveillance Across the CEMAC Region - , Robert C. York
Czech Republic: Staff Report for the 2010 Article IV Consultation
Finance & Development, March 2011 - Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, September 2011 - Internation International Monetary Fund
IMF Research Bulletin, March 2008
IMF Research Bulletin, December 2008
Finances et Developpement
China: Does Government Health and Education Spending Boost Consumption? - , Steven Barnett
Responding to Banking Crises: Lessons from Cross-Country Evidence - , Enrica Detragiache
Financial Shocks and TFP Growth - , Tiago Severo
Systemic Risks and the Macroeconomy - , Marcella Lucchetta
Constraints on Trade in the MENA region - , Rina Bhattacharya
Evaluation of the Oil Fiscal Regime in Russia and Proposals for Reform - , Brenton Goldsworthy
Monetary Policy Transmission in Mauritius Using a VAR Analysis - Charalambos G. Tsangarides
Structural Models in Real Time - , Marianne Johnson
Growth-Oriented Adjustment Programs: Proceedings of a Symposium held in Washington, D.C., February 25-27, 1987 - Mohsin S. Khan
Islamic Republic of Iran: 2009 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion;
Oman: Banking Sector Resilience - , Ananthakrishnan Prasad
Cross-country Consumption Risk Sharing, a Long-run Perspective - Zhaogang Qiao
ICT Equipment Investment and Growth in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries - Markus Haacker
Tax Revenue Response to the Business Cycle - , Ricardo Velloso
Economic Transition and Health Care Reform: The Experience of Europe and Central Asia - Adam Leive
Fiscal Adjustment in Sudan: Size, Speed and Composition - , S. M. Ali Abbas
Republic of Congo: Joint Advisory Note on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper - Annual Progress Report
Republic of Congo: Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative - Completion Point Document and Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
The Embodiment of Intangible Investment Goods: a Q-Theory Approach - Nazim Belhocine
Price Setting in a Model with Production Chains: Evidence from Sectoral Data - Maral Shamloo
Determinants of China's Private Consumption: An International Perspective - , Papa M'B. P. N'Diaye
Absorption Boom and Fiscal Stance: What Lies Ahead in Eastern Europe? - Jesmin Rahman
Collateral, Netting and Systemic Risk in the OTC Derivatives Market - Manmohan Singh
The Startup Playbook: Secrets of the Fastest-Growing Startups from 42 Founders - David Kidder
Dollars and Sex - Marina Adshade
FX Insider: Investment Bank Chief Foreign Exchange Trader With more than 20 years' experience as a Marketmaker - Bradley Gilbert
Escaping Oz - Jim Mosquera
Balance Sheet Network Analysis of Too-Connected-to-Fail Risk in Global and Domestic Banking Systems - Jorge A. Chan-Lau
Power Laws in Firm Size and Openness to Trade: Measurement and Implications - , Julian, di Giovanni
Determinants of Investment Grade Status in Emerging Markets - Laura Jaramillo
Sovereign Spreads: Global Risk Aversion, Contagion or Fundamentals? - , Carlos Caceres
International Transmission of Bank and Corporate Distress - , Papa M'B. P. N'Diaye
Potential Growth of Australia and New Zealand in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis - Yan Sun
What Explains the Rise in Food Price Volatility? - Shaun K. Roache
How Expensive is Norway? New International Relative Price Measures - , Kornelia Krajnyak
Commodity Prices and Inflation in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia - Joseph Crowley
In Search of Lost Revenue: Why Restoring Fiscal Soundness after a Crisis is harder than it looks - Masato Miyazaki
Beyond Aid: How Much Should African Countries Pay to Borrow? - , Amadou N. R. Sy
Demand Spillovers and the Collapse of Trade in the Global Recession - , Rudolfs Bems
Can You Map Global Financial Stability? - , Rebecca McCaughrin
Currency Hedging for International Portfolios - Jochen M. Schmittmann
The Impact of Capital and Foreign Exchange Flows on the Competitiveness of Developing Countries - , Damyana Bakardzhieva
Of Runes and Sagas: Perspectives on Liquidity Stress Testing Using an Iceland Example - , Martin Cihak
Budget Consolidation: Short-Term Pain and Long-Term Gain - , Kevin Clinton
China's Economic Growth: International Spillovers - , Athanasios Vamvakidis
Local Housing Market Cycle and Loss Given Default: Evidence from Sub-Prime Residential Mortgages - , Lu Ji
The Cross-Country Incidence of the Global Crisis - , Philip R. Lane
Public Debt and Growth - , Manmohan S. Kumar
Sudden Stops, Output Drops, and Credit Collapses - Jihad Dagher
Consensus Forecasts and Inefficient Information Aggregation - Christopher W. Crowe
A Method for Calculating Export Supply and Import Demand Elasticities - Stephen Tokarick
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